What is considered a low income household?
For housing purposes; the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) defines low income as annual income that is below 80% of median income for the area. Lexington’s annual median income was $54,918 in 2018.
What is affordable housing?
Housing is considered affordable when the cost of housing is equal to or less than 30% of the household’s income. Cost-burdened means that more than 30% of a household’s income is spend on housing.
What causes homelessness?
The causes of homelessness are easy to identify: lack of affordable housing, lack of resources to pay market-rate rents, lack of ability to live independently, lack of support services for those who need them on a temporary or permanent basis. (from FOR THE GREATER GOOD: Report on the Major’s Commission on Homelessness, January 2013 - Lexington KY)
How do you define homelessness?
It is important to understand just what is meant by the word “homeless.”
While HUD has established legal definitions for who qualifies as homeless, for purposes of simplicity, it means that a person or family is without a place to live of one’s own that is meant for human habitation. Being homeless does not mean that a person has to be literally living on the street, under a bridge, or sleeping on a park bench. (from FOR THE GREATER GOOD: Report of the Mayor’s Commission on Homelessness, January 2013)